While marijuana is now legal in some parts of the country, many employers screen for weed. In addition, you may have to take a drug test for school, probation, or other reasons. If you recently used marijuana, you may want to learn how to get weed out of your system.
The easiest option is to avoid using drugs in the first place. If you do need to pass a drug test, there are a few things you can do to help weed leave your system.
How Long Weed Can Stay in Your System
Before you can discover the fastest way to get weed out of your system, you should ask what kind of test you’ll be taking. No matter what test you take, the test will most likely be looking for the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive part of weed. Depending on the test, THC can remain for 12 hours to 90 days.
THC is only present in your blood for 12 hours, but it can show up on tests if the test is looking for THC. It can last for 24 hours in your saliva and one day to one month in your urine. In addition, it can be found for up to 90 days in your hair.
A few factors will determine how long marijuana remains in your system.
- Frequency of use: It takes one day to one month for weed to leave your urine, depending on how often you use weed. If you use it more frequently, it will take longer to leave your body.
- Metabolism: Your personal metabolism can determine how quickly your body processes marijuana.
- Amount: Smoking a single hit will take less time for the marijuana to leave your system than smoking multiple joints.
Reasons to Get Weed Out of Your System
Whether you have an upcoming probationary hearing or a school sporting event, there are many reasons why you might want to learn how to get weed out of your system.
Employment Opportunities
This is one of the most common reasons why people look up the fastest way to get weed out of your system. Many employers don’t want to hire workers who are using drugs, so they drug test every job applicant.
Academic Reasons
Depending on where you live and go to school, your school may be allowed to drug test you.
Sporting Competitions
If you are competing in athletic events at a high level, you may be required to take a drug test to show you aren’t using performance-enhancing drugs.
Legal Reasons
Some people are required to take drug tests because they are on probation and are required to stay sober.
4 Ways to Get Weed Out of Your System
While there are a lot of fly-by-night companies selling detoxes and promising to teach you how to get weed out of your system, all of these products will fail to do the trick. In some cases, these detoxes can even cause lasting physical damage. If you want to get weed out of your system, the following approaches are the safest, most effective options.
1. Stop Smoking
The best thing you can do to get weed out of your system is to stop using weed. Otherwise, none of the other techniques are going to work.
2. Drink More Water
While you shouldn’t overdo it, drinking more water will help to cleanse your body.
3. Exercise
THC is stored in your fat cells. If you burn more fat from weight training and cardio workouts, you will boost your metabolism and get rid of fat cells.
4. Eat Healthily
Sodium, fat, and sugar slow down your metabolism, which can cause THC to remain in your body for longer. They can also increase water retention. Green vegetables are great because their vitamins and minerals will boost your metabolism and help flush weed out of your system.
Marijuana Addiction, Symptoms, & Effects of Use
If you are searching for how to get weed out of your system, you may be suffering from marijuana addiction. Someone has an addiction if they require more of a drug to achieve the same effect or experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using. You may also suffer from an addiction if you no longer hang out with the same friends or do the same activities because you are devoting more of your time to drug use.
Over time, using marijuana can cause chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and higher rates of respiratory infections. Psychotic disorders are also more likely among people who use marijuana regularly. Scientists have also discovered a link between chronic marijuana use and developing testicular cancer or lung cancer.
Treating Marijuana Addiction
While marijuana generally doesn’t require a medical detox, addiction specialists can help you become sober from other substances. If you’ve been searching for how to get weed out of your system, you may be dealing with a substance abuse problem.
To learn more about how Matthew’s Hope Detox and Recovery can help, contact us today.